Welcome To ATI Medical Supplies We provide the highest quality medical supplies and equipment to our patients through hospital, surgery centers, urgent cares, physician offices, Home Health agencies & college & high school clinics. Read More Welcome To ATI Medical Supplies We provide the highest quality medical supplies and equipment to our patients through hospital, surgery centers, urgent cares, physician offices, Home Health agencies & college & high school clinics. Read More Welcome To ATI Medical Supplies We provide the highest quality medical supplies and equipment to our patients through hospital, surgery centers, urgent cares, physician offices, Home Health agencies & college & high school clinics. Read More Welcome To ATI Medical Supplies We provide the highest quality medical supplies and equipment to our patients through hospital, surgery centers, urgent cares, physician offices, Home Health agencies & college & high school clinics. Read More
History and what we do here at ATI Medical Supplies.

Founded in 1990, Advanced Technology of Kentucky, also known as Advanced Technologies, and now as ATI MEDICAL SUPPLIES, has been working to provide patients with braces, mobility aids, cold therapy products, respiratory aids, and a number of other DME items to help them recover from a disease, recent injury or surgery.

These products are placed at hospitals, surgery centers, urgent care offices, primary care & orthopedic physician offices, schools, rehab centers, home health agencies, and community-based health clinics. Our mission is to provide the highest quality medical supplies and equipment for our healthcare providers to quickly treat YOU – their patient. We want to help improve the quality of life of patients and their families; helping them recover.

Our goal is to facilitate the insurance process or offer a direct payment option when insurance coverage isn’t available.

Our Aim is to bring the best manufacturers of durable medical equipment and clinical supplies to medical professionals and their patients. We provide products for acute to chronic care.

Orthopedic Care 

* Neck and Spine Bracing * Shoulder, Arm, & Wrist Bracing *Hip & Knee Bracing (Functional and Osteoarthritis) *Foot & Ankle Bracing *Orthotics *Cold therapy *CPM (Continuous Passive Motion) *Dynamic/Static splinting and *Bone Stimulation

Patient Mobility / Bathroom Safety

*Crutches *Walkers *Canes *Quad Canes *Shower Chair *3-1 Commode * Grab Bars


*Pumps *Sleeves *DVT prevention

Respiratory/ Pain Management 

*CPAP devices and supplies *Nebulizers *Afflovest *Pulse OX *Cranial Electrotherapy (CES for depression, anxiety, & insomnia help) / *Tens /NMES Therapy

Beds and Accessories – (DOL patients only)

*Electric Hospital Beds *Alternating pressure mattress *Over Bed Table *Patient Lifts
Mobility Devices – (DOL patients only)

*Standard Wheelchairs *Power Wheelchairs *Scooters *Seat Cushions *Lift chairs

Other Medical Supplies and Incontinence supplies 

Looking to Work with Us?


Are you a manufacture with a new product to bring to market and looking for a billing service?

Are you a sales representative or part of a Marketing team who need access to professional billing?

Reach out to us, we look forward to developin g a customized plan for your team.

Our contracts cover 99% of plans in OH & KY from Medicare – Medicaid, all commercial insurers and worker’s compensation plans.  We have Medicare and commercial plans throughout the country.   Our dedicated intake specialists will work with you to help get your products approved and billed.   Reporting is done throughout the month.

We’re Here To Help Needs!

We are friendly and ready to talk. Please contact us anytime
and we’ll happily answer your questions